Middle School - U15

Our Middle School (U15) team welcomes all players, regardless of gender identity, who are under 15 years old as of January 1st of this year. No experience is required.

2024-2025 Winter Practice Schedule

Practices/games are on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting November 7 through February 11.

Practices are held at Cedar Falls Park from 3:30 - 5:00PM.

We also plan to compete in the Middle School Championships, which is held on February 8, 2025.

Registration Process

  1. Register with USAU (choose Youth Affiliate with Triangle Ultimate). You will need your membership number for step 3. Note that most memberships expire at the end of the calendar year and will need to be renewed or extended to cover your child through the season

  2. Purchase your registration for Hydras.

    • If you are registering multiple players, use the code SIBLING at checkout to receive 20% off.

  3. Complete the player information form for each player after you have purchased your Hydras registration.

Required Equipment

  • Water bottle

  • Soccer cleats (no metal cleats)

  • Light/dark jerseys for games/tournaments (we have a Breakmark store to order from)